Our success depends on us setting ourselves really high standards and doing everything we can to deliver them. We have studied the recommendations of our industry body, the REC, on best practice and believe that we exceed the standards outlined in their code of conduct.
What our Clients can expect
No candidates are ever put forward to a client without having first been screened by us in person. We look to put forward a selected shortlist only. Quality is very much our focus, not the quantity of CVs we can send.
Our experience with interview processes and techniques means we are able to offer you exceptionally accurate candidate assessments. We will ONLY put candidates forward if we believe they stand an excellent chance of getting your role.
We will not submit candidate details to you unless we have specifically discussed your role with them, gauged their interest and gained their permission to make the introduction. This allows the candidate to retain control of whom their details are being introduced to. If everyone in the industry adopted this standard this would end the situation where clients receive multiple introductions from various sources.
We will keep you regularly updated at all stages of the process, setting times that are convenient with you to discuss updates and feedback. We WILL chase you for feedback on all the introductions we make. The candidates expect to hear your view on them and it can damage your reputation if you do not provide feedback.
We will always communicate your feedback promptly, honestly and sensitively to all candidates; often this is most important when people have been unsuccessful.
We will not waste your time or ours. If we feel we can’t find anyone suitable or you are looking for someone who doesn’t exist, we will tell you!
What our Candidates can expect
We are focused on getting the right people into the right roles. In practice this means we take the time to understand your aspirations and how you see your career developing, as well as gaining a firm understanding of your skills and experience. Once we have done this we are able to discuss opportunities with you that fit your longer term goals and where appropriate offer you objective career advice.
Confidentiality is absolutely crucial in everything we do. We will never release your CV or personal details for an opportunity without your prior approval.